For Realtors For Consumers
Photo: Ron Keas

MLS Statistics

12:00 PM - 1:30 PM

This class has something for everyone!  Brokers will learn how to get performance numbers for each of their offices and agents.  They will also learn how they "stack up" against the competitors.

Agents will be to get their statistics for the year, the month or several years. 

Get sales numbers by dollar volumes, by number of units, by list side and by sell side.  Find out who the top 20 agents in the County are.  Get average/median sales prices by County, by Area or by City.

All will learn how to display data graphically and export the graphs so they can be used in presentations. 

The instructor for this course will be Scott Knickmeyer.

Location: LCAOR, 2559 Lakeshore Blvd., Lakeport, CA

More information: Enroll today, email Teresa

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